Receptions Tips & Ideas: What a Bride on a budget needs to know.
While most caterers have a tasting others hold smaller food events at bridal shows in hopes of sneering a bride. Bridal shows are an amazing way to find all licensed legal vendors. What is a wedding without food? To answer that question let us look back to 1950's, atypical wedding cost $500 that included ceremony, reception, and cake. Each wedding participant came barring a wedding present which was opened during reception while dances where taking place in the dance hall. The cake was cut and divided among guests as the bride and groom smashed cake in each others faces, the one who got cake up the nose was normally the loser. After cake was divide and gifts unwrapped the reception was over, leaving guests happy to have been apart of such a lovely wedding. Meals were not apart of the event until late 1990's, it was an uncommon event to see those expensive wedding invitations ask for a meal choice. Why? Let us look at the meaning of a wedding to help unmask the reaso...